Tech Burner Promotion Price: How Much Does It Cost to Hire Him for a Campaign?

Tech Burner Promotion Price: How Much Does It Cost to Hire Him for a Campaign?

Tech Burner, also known as Shlok Srivastava, is one of India’s leading tech influencers. With a massive following across YouTube, Instagram, and other platforms, brands are eager to collaborate with him to tap into his tech-savvy audience. But how much does it cost to hire Tech Burner for a campaign?

 We’ll explore the factors that influence his pricing and how to use the Influencer price calculator tool to estimate the cost for your brand's campaign.

How to Use the FindInfluencer Tool to Calculate Tech Burner’s Promotion Price .’s Influencer Price Calculator is a powerful tool that allows you to estimate the cost of hiring an influencer like Tech Burner for your campaign. Here’s how you can use the tool to get an idea of the promotion price:

1. Input Follower Count: First, input Tech Burner’s follower count on the platform you’re interested in. For instance, Tech Burner has over 10 million subscribers on YouTube and millions more across Instagram and other social media platforms.

2. Engagement Rate: The next step is to input Tech Burner’s engagement rate, which can be calculated based on his recent posts or videos. The higher the engagement, the more expensive the promotion will be.’s calculator takes this into account to give you a more accurate estimate.

3. Select Platform and Content Type: Choose the platform where you want to collaborate with Tech Burner—whether it's YouTube, Instagram, or both. Then, specify the type of content you want (video, post, story, etc.).

4. Get the Estimate: Once you’ve entered all the relevant information, the tool will generate an estimated promotion price based on industry benchmarks and the specific parameters of your campaign.

 Want to Tech Burner for your Brand Collaboration ?  Contact Us Now . 

Understanding Influencer Pricing

Before diving into the specifics of Tech Burner’s promotion price, it's essential to understand the general factors that influence how much influencers charge. These include:

1. Follower Count: Influencers with larger followings generally command higher fees because of their extended reach.
2. Engagement Rate: A highly engaged audience (likes, comments, shares) is more valuable to brands. Influencers with loyal, engaged followers tend to charge more for promotions.

3. Platform: The cost of a collaboration can vary depending on the platform. YouTube promotions tend to be more expensive due to the production costs involved in video content, while Instagram promotions may be more affordable depending on the type of content (posts, stories, reels).

4. Content Type: Whether you want a product review, unboxing video, or a sponsored post, the complexity of the content can influence the price. High-quality videos like those produced by Tech Burner require more effort and time, which adds to the cost.

5. Influencer Niche: Tech influencers like Tech Burner usually command higher fees due to the specialized nature of their content. Tech reviews often lead to direct sales, making this niche highly profitable for brands.

6. Campaign Duration and Exclusivity: Short-term promotions tend to be cheaper than long-term campaigns. Additionally, if you require exclusivity (i.e., the influencer cannot promote competing products), expect to pay a premium.

Example Calculation for Tech Burner

 Want to Tech Burner for your Brand Collaboration ?  Contact Us Now . 


Let’s assume you want to collaborate with Tech Burner on a sponsored YouTube video:

- Follower Count: 10 million subscribers
- Engagement Rate:5%
- Platform:YouTube
- Content-Type: Sponsored Video (10 minutes)

Based on these inputs, the FindInfluencer tool might estimate that hiring Tech Burner for this campaign would cost between ₹5,00,000 to ₹15,00,000. This wide range is due to variables like the level of involvement, production quality, and other factors that Tech Burner’s team might consider.

Why Work with Tech Burner?

1. Authority in the Tech Niche: Tech Burner is a trusted voice in the tech space, making him an ideal partner for brands looking to promote tech-related products.
2. Highly Engaged Audience: His followers are not just passive viewers; they actively engage with his content, seeking his advice on the latest tech products and services.

3. Content Quality: Tech Burner’s production quality is top-notch, ensuring that your product is showcased in the best possible light.

4. Multichannel Reach: With a presence on YouTube, Instagram, and more, Tech Burner can amplify your message across multiple platforms, increasing the reach of your campaign.

Factors to Consider When Budgeting for a Campaign with Tech Burner

- Creative Control: If you want to have significant input into the content, this might increase the cost, as it involves more coordination.

- Product or Service Value: High-value products that align with Tech Burner’s content could result in a lower cash payment, as influencers often accept products in lieu of full payment.

- Brand Alignment: If your brand closely aligns with Tech Burner’s audience and values, this might lead to a more cost-effective partnership.

Komal Pandey Promotion Price (Example Mentioned)

While this blog focuses on Tech Burner, it's worth noting that the same tool can be used to estimate the cost of hiring other influencers, like Komal Pandey a popular fashion influencer. Komal’s pricing would vary based on her niche, audience engagement, and platform. You can input her follower count and engagement rate into the tool to get a similar estimate for a collaboration.

Conclusion: Estimating Influencer Prices Is Not an Exact Science

While the FindInfluencer tool provides a reliable estimate based on key metrics like follower count and engagement, it’s important to remember that these estimates are not 100% accurate. Influencer pricing can vary based on many factors, including the influencer’s personal rate card, the specifics of your campaign, and market demand. 

The prices generated by the tool are a great starting point, but always reach out to the influencer or their management team for a final quote. The key is to use the data as a benchmark and adjust your expectations based on the specific campaign you’re planning.

By leveraging the FindInfluencer tool, you can get a solid idea of how much it would cost to work with influencers like Tech Burner and Komal Pandey, helping you plan your influencer marketing budget effectively.

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