Hashtag: The Do’s & Don’ts of Using Hashtags on Social Media

Hashtag: The Do’s & Don’ts of Using Hashtags on Social Media

Hashtags can be a powerful tool for increasing your company on social media, engaging your audience, and enhancing the visibility of your content. However, using hashtags goes past simply counting popular tags in your posts. To make the most of them, it's essential to comprehend the best practices and common errors associated with hashtag usage. In this blog, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of using hashtags on social media to help you refine your strategy and reach your marketing objectives.

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 The Do’s of Using Hashtags

 1. Do Research Your Hashtags

Before using any hashtag, research its favor and relevance. Tools like Hashtagify, RiteTag, and All Hashtag can help you find trending and related hashtags in your niche. Understanding which hashtags are popular and relevant to your audience will increase the probability of your content being found.

  2. Do Use Relevant Hashtags

Ensure the hashtags you use apply to your content and audience. Irrelevant hashtags can confuse your audience and may lead to lower engagement. Stick to hashtags that accurately represent your post’s topic, industry, or campaign.

  3. Do Create Unique Campaign Hashtags

If you’re handling a specific campaign or promotion, create a unique and special hashtag for it. A campaign-specific hashtag can help you follow user-generated content, estimate the campaign’s success, and promote participation. Make sure the hashtag is easy to spell and place.

  4. Do Mix Popular and Niche Hashtags

While popular hashtags can expand your reach, they are often highly competitive. Blending in niche hashtags that are less famous but more clear to your audience can help you reach a more targeted set of users who are genuinely interested in your content.

 5. Do Hire with Hashtag Users

Engage with users who use your hashtags by liking, remarking, and communicating their content. This business can foster a sense of community and encourage more users to experience in your hashtag campaigns.

  6. Keep Hashtags Simple and Straightforward

Keep your hashtags short and simple. Long or complex hashtags can be difficult for users to remember and use correctly. A concise hashtag is easier to read and more likely to be adopted by your audience.

  7. Do Monitor Hashtag Performance

Use social media analytics tools to monitor the performance of your hashtags. Track metrics such as reach, engagement, and user-generated content to understand which hashtags are most effective for your brand.

 The Don’ts of Using Hashtags

  1. Don’t Overexpose Hashtags

Using too many hashtags can make your posts look spammy and cluttered. While the optimal number of hashtags varies by platform, a good rule of thumb is to use no more than 10-15 hashtags on Instagram, 1-2 on Twitter, and 1-3 on Facebook. Quality over quantity is key.

  2. Don’t Use Irrelevant Hashtags

Avoid using popular hashtags that have no relevance to your content just to gain visibility. This practice, known as “hashtag hijacking,” can lead to negative user experiences and damage your brand’s credibility.

  3. Don’t Ignore Platform Differences

Different social media platforms have different hashtag best practices. For example, hashtags are highly effective on Instagram and Twitter but less so on Facebook and LinkedIn. Tailor your hashtag strategy to fit the platform you’re using.

 4. Don’t Use Hashtags with Low Engagement

Avoid using hashtags that have little to no engagement or are associated with spammy content. Research and choose hashtags that have a healthy amount of engagement and align with your brand values.

 5. Don’t Repeat the Same Hashtags

Using the same set of hashtags for every post can limit your reach and appear repetitive. Mix up your hashtags to reach different segments of your audience and keep your content fresh.

  6. Don’t Ignore Hashtag Trends

Stay updated with current trends and popular hashtags in your industry. Ignoring trending hashtags can result in missed opportunities to join relevant conversations and increase your visibility.

  7. Don’t Forget to Test and Adjust

Hashtag strategies are not one-size-fits-all. Continuously test different hashtags, analyze their performance, and adjust your plan accordingly. What works for one campaign or post might not work for another, so be flexible and willing to experiment.


Using hashtags effectively can significantly enhance your social media strategy, helping you reach a broader audience, increase engagement, and drive brand awareness. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can optimize your hashtag usage and avoid common pitfalls. Remember to stay relevant, engage with your audience, and continuously monitor and adjust your hashtag strategy to keep up with the ever-evolving social media landscape.


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